PATENTED (pending)
Background-Photo by Qingbao Meng on Unsplash
Natural Storage of CO2 with a Permanence up to 3.000 Years
You wanna know more about? Here we go:
Rubber plantations capturing about 25 kg CO2 for each kg dry rubber they produce. The amount depends on how old the plantations are, which clones have been planted and how they are cared for. There are many old plantations which have been untapped for years now because the rubber world market price is on a low level since 2011. There was a small peak in 2017 but many farmers searched for and moved to alternatives like oil-palms.
The 25 kg CO2 are converted into wood, rubber and some CO2 is captured in the soil by other organic growth. The wood will keep the CO2 as long it is not burned, in furniture for example. The soil will release some CO2 during replanting. Overall, rubber plantations have already one of the highest CO2 sequestration potentials of all crops.
The part of CO2 which will be stored inside the rubber is about 3,2 kg per kg dry rubber. Increasing the rubber yield per hectare automatically means increasing the carbon sequestration of the plantations. Clones with higher latex/rubber production have a higher total chemical conversion rate.
This (additional) rubber will be stored in empty coal mines for example, shut off from air and light. This way the rubber can be stored for thousands of years. After that, it can be reused, for example by pyrolysis, which will produce fuel oil without the need of additional energy. Instead of accepting a lower market price which discourage farmers from tapping, we should encourage them by buying this rubber.
My igniting moment:
In 2019, bales of rubber washed ashore on the Brazilian coast. Scientist from Brazil, were able to link the bales to the SS Rio Grande, a German merchant ship sailing from Singapore to Europe, sunk off the coast of Brazil on 04/01/1944.
These bales were 75 years old and they look pretty good because laying on the sea ground the rubber was not exposed to UV-light or ozone, the only two environmental variables that can be destructive to rubber inherently. Scientist from Brazil said “……the rubber is of a very high quality.
Archaeological finds in Mexico suggest that rubber still has most of its mass after 3000 years. Click on the picture to read more:
Actually, there are around 14,8 million hectares of rubber plantations around the world. The total rubber production from this is around 13 million tons which leads to an average of 0,878 tons dry rubber per hectare only. Newer plantations in Vietnam and Thailand reach a yield of more then 3 tons per hectare, in Africa, there are plantations which reach 3,5 tons.
Increasing the average yield on all plantations to 3.500 kg/h we would get additional 38 million tons of rubber which will capture totally 970 million tons of CO2. 124 million tons of this quantity will be captured inside rubber.
If we reach that average yield of 3.500 kg/h only on 60% of all plantations, we will capture 582 million tons CO2 .
We want to search for other plants in other climate zones which have a similar or higher CO2 capturing potential. Other tree resins may not make tires, but as long as the resin can capture the CO2 for one thousand years or similar, it should be studied.
Of course, these goals have to be reached without any deforestation of exiting rainforest, on the contrary, where it makes sense, rubber plantations should be converted back into rainforest.
Together with governments and NGO’s we have to create a "climate based demand" for rubber which will let the farmers go back to the existing plantations to tap the trees and to renew the plantations with new clones. We don’t want to disturb the rubber markets too much, even it should clearly be pointed out that rubber in general needs a higher market value to fulfil sustainable standards, is it for covering the life of the farmers, the production of tires or as CO2 capturing method
We will tag the rubber with special tagging materials. This way, the rubber – and also products made of it – can be identified many, many years later. The rubber cannot be registered twice as a CO2 storage medium. The mines will scan each delivery, the data may be stored in a blockchain, thus this way there is no chance of cheating or misuse.
For the whole process we filed a patent.
After 10000 or 3000 years the future generations may decide what they want to do with the stock of hydro carbon chains. Using pyrolysis to produce new chemicals? Combusting to generate energy? Keep it buried?
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